Earlsmead Primary School is in line or above national standards, both at KS1 and KS2 attainment in all subjectsPlease enter an introduction for your news story here.
EARLSMEAD NURSERY - PLACES NOW AVAILABLETo be eligible for a place at Earlsmead Nursery, your child must be born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022. To apply for a place, please complete the application form found below and either post it to Earlsmead School (address below) or email your application wit...
Preparing your child for schoolParent information
At Earlsmead Primary School we encourage all members of our school community to strive to be the best they can be and develop new skills that empower them for life- long learning in order to become confident, valuable, members of society.
We want our children to be motivated and empowered by their experiences here. We aim to provide our children with an excellent foundation for them to become independent learners, so that they will go on and continue to love learning throughout life.
We are very proud of our inclusive ethos here at Earlsmead. Our Resourced Provision for children with Moderate Learning Difficulties is a very successful part of the school and we strive to include all children in every aspect of school life.
Central to the ethos and vision of our school is the belief that every child can achieve well and it is our purpose to prepare our children for life long success. Therefore we are committed to developing the whole child.
Our community is a rich social and ethnic mix and families are welcomed to become an important part of social life. We have very committed and hardworking staff teams who want children to enjoy learning.
‘Pupils at Earlsmead Primary School are happy and safe’
‘Staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and their learning’
‘The school is well led and managed’
Ofsted, February 2020
Earlsmead Primary is a two-form entry primary school for children from 4-11. In addition, we have an Additional Resourced Provision (ARP) for 12 children with moderate learning difficulties of which we are very proud. This allows children to be fully integrated into the life of the school and equally, access the specialist support that will enable them to develop and grow.
Pupil Satisfaction
Parent Satisfaction Rating