Autumn term
This term in Y6, the children have explored WW2 and its impact on the people of Britain as part of history learning. After a special launch day to enthuse the children about their upcoming learning, they explored key events of war, including the Battle of Britain, evacuation and the role our local area played in the war effort.
Did you know?
During World War 2, a fake stream was painted across the runway of RAF Northolt, and the hangers were decorated to look like houses and gardens. This confused attacking aircraft above who struggled to even find the airfield!
In autumn 2, the class explored where our energy actually comes from as part of their geography learning. From renewable energy sources to the best place to place a solar panel on the Earlsmead school grounds, important and current themes were explored.
Our core text for autumn 2 is 'A Story Like the Wind' by Gill Lewis. A beautiful story of freedom, music and seeking refuge. Science has provided the opportunity to learn about electricity, and they have been creating their own web pages in computing lessons. What an exciting autumn term!
Year 6 assembly |
SCIENCE- YEAST EXPERIMENTWe conducted an experiment to learn more about yeast and the conditions it requires to produce gas.