Personal Development
What is personal development?
At Earlsmead, we do not just develop the children’s academic abilities but also have a strong focus on their personal development and wellbeing through additional opportunities that enrich their learning to ensure they can integrate into local society and the wider world. 94% (October 2024) of our parents recognised the contribution the school makes to the wider development of their children. We teach pupils to value individual differences, helping them to build a strong sense of community where every child is respected and supported. Additionally, we help pupils deepen their understanding of British values, including democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect, and tolerance alongside additional Earlsmead values of striving to do our best, equality for all, securing resilience, determination, cooperation and community involvement.
Managing self
The pupils are taught to recognise their feelings through Zones of Regulation. Each zone has strategies that the children can then use to change their zone independently. The pupils use ‘bubble time’ to share information that may be troubling them with an adult who can then support them. Disagreements do happen but using ‘restorative justice’ approaches, the pupils are able to manage the situation and show empathy. In many cases, this helps them to manage situations differently if they arise again.
We hold termly mental health events with different themes. Our Pastoral Lead and Learning Mentor follow up on any referrals made by children themselves, teachers or parents.
Through our PSHE curriculum, we empower pupils to recognise and manage risks both on and offline. They learn the importance of healthy lifestyle choices and how to develop healthy relationships. They are given strategies to manage their emotions and conflict. Our RE curriculum also gives opportunities to learn about different worldviews through asking a ‘big question’. This allows the pupils to recognise similarities and differences and form their own views. Through PSHE and RE we create an environment where pupils can respectfully challenge each other’s opinions both in and out of the classroom.
Pupils as Leaders
Pupils have many opportunities to become a leader in school. These include electing school council representatives for each KS2 class. Head pupils and prefects undergo rigorous application processes including interviews. Other leadership roles include playground friends, librarians and monitor roles in classes.
Our clubs include a wide range of experiences and opportunities beyond the school day. We have a broad offer that changes regularly and includes sports, art and craft, music, board games, first aid, sign language, lego, mindfulness and french. We aim to have a club for everyone.
Trips and visits
Trips and visits take place throughout the school year, in all year groups linked to our learning. These may include invite external speakers to deliver talks and workshops. Year 6 have a residential such as ‘Kip on a Ship’ or PGL activity camps. Saplings classes (ARP) go out on community walks that teach valuable life skills. The school choir visit a local care home at Christmas.
Assembly programme
A programme of assemblies based on British Values and our school values help to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and provide clear guidance for pupils on how to grow up to be the best person they can possible be.
Healthy lifestyles and life skills
We provide pupils with a wide range of PE & Sport opportunities beyond the school day. Through our sports teams, pupils compete in a range of friendly and Borough sports competitions. After school clubs such as netball, football, parkour, cricket and dance, further provide opportunities for pupils to develop sporting skills, healthy lifestyle and positive attitudes. Year 3 attend swimming lessons at the local pool weekly.
Using a range of outside agencies to support us, we teach skills that the children will use out of school and in the community. KS2 children have pedestrian training and Bikeability training alongside workshops on personal safety (including peer pressure related to gangs) and using public transport responsibly.
Nursery brush their teeth daily and talk about how to make healthy food choices.
Careers Day
Although it may seem unusual, we have a yearly careers day. A range of volunteers talk to pupils about their careers and the path to that career. We have used this opportunity to challenge stereotypes such as a female engineer and a male pastry chef. We have a range of careers on offer such as jobs within the military, chef, doctor, banker and fashion designer.